If you would like visa advice or process your visa application through us, the best way to start is to have a consultation with one of our Registered Migration Agents.
Subclass 115 permanent visa lets people move to Australia to be with their only close family members.
Subclass 835 permanent visa lets people stay in Australia to be with their only close family members.
What you Can Do
stay in Australia as a Permanent resident
work and study in Australia
enrol in Australia’s public healthcare scheme, Medicare
Applicant requirements
be outside Australia when you apply for the subclass 115 visa and when the decision is made on your application
be in Australia when you apply for the subclass 835 visa and when the decision is made on your application
be a remaining relative of an Australian citizen or Permanent resident or an Eligible New Zealand citizen
have an eligible sponsor
Next Steps
If you would like visa advice or process your visa application through us, the best way to start is to have a consultation with one of our Registered Migration Agents.